Server Groups


Server Groups

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Great thanks to Mike Byrne for his hard work with the screen captures.

Server Groups Overview

Server Groups are used to group like servers to simplify CommCell® administration. Servers can be added to one or more server groups.

Server Groups provide the following benefits:

  • Simplified navigation when locating servers within the Commvault Command CenterTM.
  • Configuring user group security to manage entire server groups.
  • Simplified activity control, such as enabling or disabling data protection or recovery for an entire group.
  • Assigning server groups when configuring reports and alerts automatically adds/removes clients when changes are made to the group.

Server Association Methods

When using the Commvault Command CenterTM, there are two association methods for server groups. First, computers can be associated manually to a group. This method requires manual intervention to associate servers to the group. This is accomplished during the agent installation or by editing the server group.

In addition to the manual association method, automatic association rules can also be used. This efficient method automatically associates servers to a group based on a set of predefined rules. Many criteria can be used to define the rules.

To create a new server group

1 - Expand Manage | Click Server groups.

2 - Existing server groups are displayed in this window.

3 - Click to add a new server group.

4 - Provide a name for the new group.

5 - Choose between manual or automatic association using rules.

6 - If manual association is selected, check the desired computers.

7 - Click to create the server group.

To create a server group using automatic association

1 - Enter a name for new server group.

2 - Ensure to select Automatic association.

3 - This window displays the configured automatic association rules.

4 - Click to add a rule.

5 - Select the criteria the rule will use.

6 - Use Scroll Bar Up/Down to view additional appropriate rules.

7 - Select the operator to use against the criteria.

8 - Select entities based on the selected criteria, in this case agents.

9 - Click to save the server group settings.

Activity Control

As with a server, activity can be controlled for an entire server group. This is useful when maintenance requires activity to be disabled and later re-enabled on several computers at once.

To disable activity for a server group

1 - Expand Manage | Click Server groups.

2 - Click the Server group name.

3 - Use the slider to disable the activity type.

4 - The enable after a delay button allows to re-enable activity after a time period, or a specific time.

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