Customizing the CommCell® Console


Customizing the CommCell® Console

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Hide the CommCell® Browser

The CommCell® Browser is hidden by unpinning the browser window. This can free up space in the console to view more information in the Job Controller and Event Viewer windows. Once hidden, the browser window can be temporarily displayed by hovering the mouse over the browser tab on the left side of the window. To lock the browser window back, double-click the pin button on the right side of the browser window.

To hide the CommCell® Browser

1 - Click the CommCell Browser pin.

2 - Hover over the hidden browser title bar to view browser. Click the pin to relock the browser in the window.

Move Tabbed Windows

Tabbed windows can be rearranged in any order by clicking, dragging and dropping the tab. This is beneficial when many windows are open at the same time.

To move tabbed windows

1 - Click and drag the tab to
the tab location.

2 - Tabs are reordered in the console.

Float Windows

When multiple monitors are used, you can float windows so they are not bound to one screen. For instance, when a window is floated, it can be dragged outside of the console windows and placed on the other monitor for a multi-screen view of the CommCell® Console.

To float a tabbed window

1 - Click and drag the tab to an
empty space in window, or right-click it.

2 - Select the Float option.

3 - The floating window is not bound to the CommCell® Console.

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