Database Maintenance
Carl Brault (Unlicensed) (Unlicensed)
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The CommServe® server, being the orchestrator of all CommCell® operations, is the most important server. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that its performances are maintained to the highest level possible. To optimize the CommServe server database, a tool called DBMaintenance.exe, which is located in the installation directory of the Commvault® software, is available. This tool can be executed manually from a command prompt, or can be executed from the CommCell® Console, through a workflow and a schedule. This tool first validates the consistency of the database by executing a CheckDB command against it. Then, it optimizes the database by performing Reindex and/or ShrinkDB commands.
Maintenance Modes
There are several modes that can be selected when executing a DB maintenance:
Full - Performs a full maintenance on the database. It includes CheckDB, ReindexAll and ShrinkDB commands. It is recommended to run on a bi-yearly basis.
Recommended - Performs a recommended maintenance which includes ShrinkDB and ReindexRecommended commands. It is recommended to run this maintenance mode every couple of weeks. By default, a system created schedule will execute it on every other Sunday.
CheckDB - Validates the consistency of the CommServe database by running an integrity check.
ReindexRecommended - Re-indexes the largest and most frequently used tables of the database.
ReindexAll - Re-indexes all tables of the database.
ShrinkDB - If table re-indexing creates a significant amount of fragmentation, the ShrinkDB command will reclaim that space by shrinking the database.
To execute the DBMaintenance tool
1 - From the base directory, execute DBMaintenance.exe.
2 - It provides the correct syntax and options for the tool, such as the maintenance mode.
DB Maintenance Workflow and DB Maintenance Schedule
V11 Service Pack 5 introduced a workflow and a schedule that maintains the CommServe server database automatically. The schedule, which is called System Created DB Maintenance schedule, runs every other Sunday at 3 p.m. and executes a Recommended maintenance. The Full maintenance is not scheduled. It is therefore recommended to either run it manually, or schedule it twice a year.
This schedule executes a workflow called DBMaintenance, which executes the maintenance based on the mode that is selected in the schedule. The workflow also contains email components that can be modified to send a result notification on failure or success.
To access DB Maintenance schedule
1 - Right-click the CommServe® server | View | Schedules.
2 - Right-click the System Created DBMaintenance schedule | Edit.
3 - The DBMaintenanace runs every 2 weeks, on Sunday afternoon by default.
4 - By default, it runs in recommended mode, but a different mode can be manually selected.
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