MediaAgent Configuration


MediaAgent Configuration

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Parallel Data Transfer Operations

Right-click the MediaAgent | Click Properties | General tab

A MediaAgent can receive and handle a certain amount of parallel data transfer operations, or streams. This is based on hardware resources of the MediaAgent, as well as the Commvault Online Documentation. By default, a MediaAgent has 100 set as a maximum of streams it can receive. After proper evaluation, this number can be increased or decreased.

To set the MediaAgent streams

1 - Right-click the MediaAgent | Properties.

2 - Defines the maximum number of streams received by the MediaAgent.

Simple Scalable Data Transport (SDT) Pipeline

Right-click the MediaAgent | Click Properties | Control tab

The SDT pipeline is designed to optimize MediaAgent resource allocation when protecting many streams over a network connection. The MediaAgent setting 'Optimize for concurrent LAN backup' is used to enable or disable the SDT pipeline. This option is enabled by default.
Enabling or disabling the SDT pipeline has an impact on the number of parallel data transfer operations, or streams, a MediaAgent can receive. If SDT pipeline is enabled, the MediaAgent is set to receive up to 100 streams, otherwise it defaults to 25 streams.

Why would I disable the SDT pipeline?

If the client and MediaAgent software is installed on the same machine and both are configured as a LAN-Free backup, the SDT pipeline can be disabled. In this case, the MediaAgent is no longer optimized for multiple LAN based concurrent connections, which is not required in a single client LAN-Free backup. A better throughput is achieved for LAN-Free backups if the pipeline is disabled.

To enable the SDT Pipeline

1 - Right-click the MediaAgent | Properties.

2 - Check to enable SDT Pipeline.

Disable or Mark a MediaAgent Offline for Maintenance

Right-click the MediaAgent | Click Properties | Control tab

If maintenance is required on the MediaAgent or the libraries hardware, it is possible to disable or mark a MediaAgent offline for maintenance. It is important to understand the differences between disabling a MediaAgent and marking it offline for maintenance.

Differences between disabling or marking a MediaAgent for maintenance:



Disable a MediaAgent

No client nor administrative tasks can be executed. The MediaAgent is considered as logically unavailable and unusable by the CommCell® console

Mark a MediaAgent offline for maintenance

Marking a MediaAgent offline for maintenance prevents from executing data protection, data recovery and auxiliary copy jobs using the MediaAgent. However, administrative tasks such as 'Clean Drives,' 'full scan,' or 'disk library pruning' may still be conducted.

To enable/disable a MediaAgent

1 - Right-click the MediaAgent | Properties.

2 - You can disable a MediaAgent or mark it offline for maintenance.

Associated Storage Policies

Right-click the MediaAgent | Click Properties | Associated Storage Policies tab

The Associated Storage Policies tab lists the storage policy copies sending data to target libraries using this MediaAgent. This information is useful when decommissioning a MediaAgent or simply taking it offline for maintenance to properly evaluate the impacts.

To display the MediaAgent associated storage policies

1 - Right-click the MediaAgent | Properties.

2 - Displays storage policy copies receiving data through this MediaAgent.

Network Throttling Rules

Right-click the MediaAgent | Click Properties | Network Throttle tab

In some cases, it can be useful to limit the bandwidth used by a MediaAgent when it communicates with clients during backups and/or another MediaAgent to replicate data, especially when the network is shared with other systems and users. Commvault® software provides the ability to configure Network Throttling Rules and apply such a rule to a MediaAgent. A Network Throttling Rule provides granularity in how the bandwidth is controlled and the time range of the day or the days of the week for which the rule is enforced.

To configure a network throttling rule for a MediaAgent

1 - Right-click the MediaAgent | Properties.

2 - Enable the use of network throttling.

3 - Create a rule to limit bandwidth usage by clicking Add.

4 - Define when throttling will be enforced.

5 - Set an absolute or a relative throttling rule.

6 - Choose computers or computer group to which the rule will be applied.

Index Directory

All object level data protection jobs use indexes for all operations. These indexes are maintained in the index directory. Improper configuration of the index directory can result in job failures and long delays in browse and recovery operations.

Changing the Index Directory Location

Right-click the MediaAgent | Click Properties | Catalog tab

The index directory location is modified by changing the 'Index Directory' in the Catalog tab of the MediaAgent properties. By default, the Index Directory is located in the Commvault® software installation folder. It is recommended to move it to a dedicated set of SSD disks.

To define the Index Directory location

1 - Right-click the MediaAgent | Properties.

2 - Click to change the location of the Index Directory.

3 - Browse to the location and click OK.

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