Faced with the exponential growth of applications and databases, many organizations find it challenging to keep data protected while extracting value from it at the same time. With a Commvault® environment, a single solution protects data in your Oracle, SAP, MySQL, PostgresSQL, MongoDB, and Microsoft SQL Server environments, and it provides a unified approach to administration, policy management, and data access. From dev/test to production to archiving and retirement, The Commvault® software covers the entire lifecycle of your enterprise's most important data — improving application performance, accelerating innovation, reducing costs and bringing copy data management under control.
The Commvault Command CenterTM console is configured to protect a variety of databases that run on physical servers, virtual machines, or cloud instances. Features like database snapshots, replication between two systems, database snapshots, database cloning with data masking, and restore to a sequence number or time interval are supported across a variety of database engines.
Database backups are performed the same way file system or virtual machines backups are executed. A subclient is defined and backups are scheduled or run manually from the console. The key advantage to a Commvault database backup feature is that scripting for a specific database or database type is not needed. With an easy to use Command CenterTM console, administrators can define and perform backup procedures for a variety of databases without having to create scripts, special functions, or specific processes and procedures.
Database protection can be done by installing a database agent on the client which is running the database or on a MediaAgent that can connect to the database using the vendor supported database connections. The database agent can connect to the database instance and copy the whole instance, the transaction logs, and individual tables.
Database Protection
Install the database agent
1 - Launch the setup.exe and select Add Packages.
2 - Select the Database package.
3 - Select the database types.
4 - Click through to begin the installation.
To configure a database agent
1 - Expand Protect | Databases.
2 - This view displays database instances already configured in the environment.
3 - Click to add a new instance. This requires the agent to be already installed.
4 - Click to deploy and configure the agent on the server.
5 - Select the database type to configure.
6 - Select the OS type.
7 - Enter the IP address or server hostname and click the plus(+) sign. If needed, add additional server.
8 - Enter the credentials for the operating system.
9 - Select a data protection plan from the list.
To configure a database instance
1 - From the Databases screen, click on Add Instance to add a database instance.
2 - From the Databases screen, click on Add Instance to add a database instance.
3 - Select the server where the database is running.
4 - Select local system account or enter new credentials.
Configure Database Agent Security
An important step in configuring a database agent is to define a security account to use to connect to the database instances to protect. A good example is the Microsoft SQL agent that traditionally used a local system account to backup SQL databases. The most recent versions of MSSQL no longer allow local accounts to access databases, and therefore require the agent to be configured with a service account with the proper permissions.
To configure a database agent security
1 - Expand Protect | Databases.
2 - If an agent security is not properly configured, a status of Nor Ready is displayed
3 - Click the server's name to configure the security.
4 - Locate the General section and click Edit.
5 - Use the local system account or provide a specific account.
6 - Click Add.
7 - The status is now set to Ready.
Database Backups
To backup a database instance
1 - Expand Protect | Databases
2 - Click the Actins button of the desired server and select Back up.
3 - Select the type of backup to execute.
4 - A notification confirms the execution of the job. Click the link for more details.
Database Recovery
To restore a database instance
1 - Expand Protect | Databases.
2 - Click the Actions button of the desired server and select Restore.
3 - Select the database to restore.
4 - Click Restore.
5 - A Database can be restored in place, in other words, over the production database (overwrite).
6 - It can also be restored in another.
7 - Database files can also be restored to disk.
8 - If Out of place is selected, provide the instance in which to recover the database.
9 - Provide a name for the restored database.
10 - Provide a location for the database files and log files.